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Sen. Dave Min Photographed in Bar Same Day He’s Released From Jail for Driving Under the Influence

The photograph shows Min may not be as apologetic as he appears in his Facebook post.

State Senator Dave Min was photographed inside a nightlife-style bar mere hours after being released from jail for driving under the influence the night before.

The photograph shows Min at the front of the bar with an array of hard liquor behind him, at the Mix Downtown in Sacramento.

The Mix describes itself as a place with “spacious bars, an intimate dance floor, plush lounge seating, expansive couches and semi-private booths.” On the front page of its website the words “Lick it. Smack it. Suck it.” appear in an advertisement for Cinco de Mayo.

The front page of the Mix Downtown's website.

Sen. Min, who is running for U.S. Congress in 2024, attempted to save his endangered campaign following the high profile arrest by appearing apologetic on Facebook, though some voters have expressed he is clearly not as regretful as he says he is by appearing in a bar hours later.

The California Highway Patrol spotted the senator traveling south on 9th street on May 2 at 10:23 pm without headlights, according to the Sacramento Bee. When officers followed Min, he ran a red light.

When CHP stopped him, they noted he showed “signs and symptoms of alcohol intoxication.” Once a DUI investigation was conducted, Min was taken into custody and booked into Sacramento County Jail, and was released the following morning. It is unknown what his blood alcohol content was.

Since the incident, Mothers Against Drunk Driving condemned Min’s action in a statement sent to the California Courier, writing, “[It is MADD’s] hope that a high-profile arrest will serve as a reminder to others to plan ahead for a safe way home if their plans include alcohol.”

“MADD is saddened any time we hear that someone has made the choice to drive drunk — especially an elected official, who may be seen as a role model — since every 45 minutes someone is killed and every 90 seconds someone is injured as a result of drunk driving crashes.”

It was also reported on Twitter that Min deleted a past post where he condemned a different drunk driver who killed a family in late 2020.

Do you think Senator Min is fit for public office following his actions that endangered public safety? Take our poll below.


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